Crafted by Sasha

learning to appreciate life through writing about the things that bring me joy.

2024 Photo Highlights

A photo diary style recount of some of my favourite 2024 memories!

I went to quite a few concerts in 2024, this one being Avril Lavigne! I went with my lovely friend Kaitlyn, we have both been fans of Avril Lavigne since we were just little so this was such a fun show for us to go to together.

One of many sewing projects I completed in 2024, I was especially happy with this one since its not a style I’m familiar with and made it using a pattern (I know it seems backward, but I’ve always found self drafting easier than reading patterns). So I was particularly happy with how this top turned out! I also made it to wear to my Olivia Rodrigo concert, so the excitement was real!

I spent a lot of time at the lake this year (especially with my friends’ summer fixation with night swimming), my first date with my boyfriend also happened here last April, so it has lots of good memories this year.

A s’mores cake I made for my dear Kaitlyn after she returned from radiation therapy last May. This cake was actually so delicious so let me know if I should post the recipe (including for my homemade marshmallows on the top of the cake!)

Another place I spent a lot of time at this year: the yellow deli! At this point I don’t even care that they’re run by a cult, they make good sandwiches and are open late so they’re the perfect hangout spot.

Last summer I went on such a fun camping trip to Bromley rock with my friends! This picture was taken while we were hunting for abandoned mines on the mountain which was so fun!

Another digital from my camping trip!

Honestly any event I got to wear these shoes to were a highlight for me this year, they’re my favourite even if they are two sizes too big!

Last summer I entered in a sewing contest/showcase through my local fair which was so fun! My sweet friend, Emma, and I entered together which made it even more enjoyable and such a fun experience!

Whoever set up the tables did not really do any justice to my dress… But I still won second place in my category! The baby clothes I entered also earned second, the quilted tote I entered didn’t place (but I wasn’t surprised with how amazing my competition was!) My friend won third in both of her categories, so we both did pretty well! (Although we’re definitely planning a sweep this year!)

Of course, my year was filled with tons of cat drawings from my lovely coworkers (although lets be honest, mostly from my lovely Grace)

My birthday party! I spent months planning this so I was so happy that it turned out so great! All of my food and baking turned out great, the weather was beautiful, and almost all of my friends were able to make it, so it was a huge success!

The favour bags I made for all my lovely friends!

I finally moved out of my parents house and out on my own last August. It’s been a big change, going from a house with five people in a populated area to an off-grid tiny home by myself, but it’s been amazing!

I also got my sweet kitten Pacha last august shortly after I moved out. She’s the best roommate ever and such a sweet cat.

Another concert! this one is Sabrina Carpenter who I saw with my sweet friend Grace. I also sewed the cutest Sabrina heart cutout corset tops for us to wear to the concert which was so fun!

This photo is from a trip I took to Disneyland last November. My brother was dancing there with our dance studio, so we were there with a huge group which was super fun. I got to hangout with so many of my friends and go on rides and it was great!

Another picture from Disneyland, this was the bok choy soup that they sold in the SanFransokyo area (pictured above), I was unfortunately dealing with a more severe bout of the chronic nausea I’ve been dealing with lately during this trip, so lets us just say I ate this soup every day I was there!

I’m very lucky to have friends who live much closer to my school than I do and who were kind enough to let me stay with them every Friday night for the last fall semester since I can’t highway drive, and was having to bus to school (hours away). it was always a big highlight to see them once a week. This picture was of us eating strawberry ice cream, watching Barbie princess charm school, and playing Sims!

Bit of a freaky photo, I know! But I love it because it just reminds me of hanging out with my friends Summer and Grace, which is so fun!

My cabin is heated using a wood stove, so I’m pretty proud of myself for learning how to navigate that this year!

Yet another concert! This one was another one of my favourite artists Clairo! I’ve loved her for years so traveling to Seattle to see her with my dear friend Emma was so special.

More hanging out with Pacha, of course! this was a little while after she learned to climb up to the loft!

This year I learned to make these fun birthday crowns and give them to my lovely friends! I made quite a few of these this year (although somehow this is my only photo) and will definitely continue making them this year! I have another birthday coming up soon and might make a tutorial post so stay tuned for that!

I went to so many fun friend functions this year, I’m so grateful to have friends who are such good hosts! this pic is from my friend Emmas birthday party.

Little bit of an underwhelming post this week, I know. I promise I had a way better one planned! Unfortunately on the day that I had planned to take photos for that post I ended up being hospitalized instead, which kind of put a wrench in that plan (also doesn’t help that I’m currently across the country meeting my new baby niece so am very limited). I promise that post is still coming, just not for this week! Thanks for reading friends!

One response to “2024 Photo Highlights”

  1. kaitlyn Atkinson Avatar
    kaitlyn Atkinson

    Please I need the cake recipe it was so good🙏