I’d like to say a big hello to anyone reading this post right now, as it is the very first post I am making on my new blog! I thought I’d use my first post to talk about what my blog is going to even be about (I figured that would be important for an introductory blog post). Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Sasha. I am 19 years old and am currently living in an off-grid tiny home on a mountain on the Canada side of the Pacific Northwest (about an hour-and-a-half away from Vancouver if that helps you at all). I’m not sure if this is my forever lifestyle, but I’m certainly enjoying myself out here now. I live by myself other than my cat, whose name is Pacha (pronounced like matcha but with a P) who is just about the friendliest, cuddliest cat ever. I have a lot of hobbies which is what I’ll be writing about mostly, so if you enjoy sewing, baking, arts and crafts, or generally anything creative my blog may be worth tuning in to! I make a lot of my own sewing patterns and recipes and am excited to share them with you all! Besides that you can expect to hear about thrifting, outdoor adventures, and hanging out with my lovely friends. I’m planning on using this blog as an outlet to romanticize my own simple life. Our universe is so beautiful as to allow us to live in the ways we do as humans, and I don’t want to forget that or take it for granted.