I had a lovely Christmas this year spent with all my closest friends and family. I’m lucky to have family who knows me so well to buy me things I’m so grateful for. Hopefully I can inspire some of y’alls post Christmas gift card usage!

A wooden thread spool holder was one of things on my wishlist this year, as it’s such a cute way to store thread spools out of the way. I also love that this one mounts on the wall, which is especially helpful to me since my desk area is very compact.

My mother has been sewing her whole life, so when she saw a friend of hers using these craft clips in lieu of pins, she knew they would be perfect for me! I’m so grateful that she chose this, as I’ve actually been wanting some for a while after seeing a friend of mine using them, but they totally skipped my mind while writing my list.

After far too long of having to steal my moms pinking shears while sewing, I’m so grateful to now have a pair of my own!

Another little sewing gadget my mom found for me, this little bobbin box will be so handy! I was previously using a small dollar store tackle box to store my bobbins, but they would unravel slightly if the box shook too much, so this will keep my bobbins much more in-tact.

These Ikea markers will come in so handy for school, as they are fairly compact but still have plenty of colours (super necessary when you’re studying early childhood education!)

Since moving out and having more freedom to make whatever art pops into my head, my art supplies supply has increased greatly, these beautiful oil pastels will make a great new addition!

I will admit that I have already started collecting various little tools to use when I open my own preschool after I graduate. these adorable little finger puppets will make the perfect addition!

From somebody who is definitely not a beauty guru, I love the Saie glowy super gel in the sunglow shade. its one of the very few thing that I use everyday so I was happy to get this refill from my sister. I haven’t used the warmglow shade that this box also comes with, but am excited to try it!

I’ll be honest, when I opened this I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but after a quick google search and realizing you didn’t even have to pair it with makeup I was sold. I’m excited to try adding this Rare Beauty always an optimist 4-in-1 spray to my daily routine!

My number-one Wishlist item this year was these Loop switch noise cancellers. I already own a pair of Loop earplugs with a lower level of noise cancelling, but sometimes I just want to hear a little less. These are perfect because you can switch between how much you wish to hear at any given moment. These are perfect for anyone with an audio processing disorder like myself!

And last but definitely not least, a beautiful gold Pandora bracelet from my lovely boyfriend. This bracelet is perfect for me because I love the look of bangles, but hate how loose bracelets feel on my wrist, and it especially bothers me when looser bracelets are bulky and I can feel them bounce around. this bracelet looks just like a bangle, but is adjustable and fits close to my wrist. it also stacks lovely with my other two bracelets, which are smaller chains.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, fist night of Chanukah, or just a lovely December 25th in general. I love you all!